Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Dear family and friends!

Steffen and I miss Alexander Jan so much. He was our first born and we want to remember him. This website, is one way for us to do just that. We have been touched by the many cards and greetings that family and friends have sent to us already - for which many thanks! - and hope that you will make use of this website in whatever way you feel comfortable, whether to simply browse and share in what thoughts we have posted on there, to send Steffen and I a friendly greeting or to make a tribute.

Love from Jeanine (Alexander's Mummy)

We know that the world does not stop for our grief. Life will go on, without our beloved firstborn son. But even though he has never seen the nest we build for him, he touched our lives and that of many people close to us in no small way. We played with him whilst in Jeanine's womb, we spoke to him, sang to him, played music and danced with him. And therefore we will never forget him, not this year, not next year, not when we are old and grey and have moved on to have more children and grandchildren.

This website is just one way to remember. Like a diary we want to come back here and write about him, post photos of things and moments in our life that we would have liked so much to share with him. And we encourage you to do the same. Not only is Alexander our son, he is also a grandson, a nephew, and a cousin. And at some point he will also be a big brother I know that.
So please understand that, and don't try and make us 'get over it', or 'make us forget'. We don't want to forget. We want to talk about him whenever we feel like it - and over time with a less heavy heart than right now - and we want to hear his name from you, when you talk about him as well. He IS our son, even though he now became an angel.
So therefore PLEASE REMEMBER HIM WITH US! Thank you!
Steffen, AJ's daddy

15th October 2009

Babyloss awareness week

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